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Reviews from other books

Reviews from Nelson's Way by Stephanie Jones and Jonathan Gosling

“A genuinely fresh and insightful approach to a national icon, and a riveting business read. It shows how true leadership is all about uncovering leadership in others…” Director

“The lessons from Nelson’s leadership are even more appropriate today than they were two centuries ago. The freely-given support of all your people is the key to competitive success.” Sir John Harvey-Jones

Nelson’s Way addresses the realities of Nelson’s career, asking pragmatic questions in search of practical answers that can be applied to real careers today. It shows how much Nelson still has to teach us, and how much we still have to learn from him. Nelson’s Way arrives at the right time and on the right lines.” N.A.M. Rodger

Reviews from Key Concepts in Leadership by Jonathan Gosling, Ian Sutherland and Stephanie Jones

“This is a one-stop shop for essential concepts in leadership and will be an invaluable book for managers and leaders from all walks of life.” Professor Danica Purg, President IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia 

“Anyone with an interest in this field and who is drawn into a leadership role should read this book as soon as possible.” Alan Bryman, Professor of Organizational and Social Research, School of Management, University of Leicester, UK

“This is not your ordinary leadership book! Gosling and colleagues provide a fascinating and brilliant new way to look at leadership that distils a century of research into an easily accessible and inherently relevant compilation of leadership styles.” Mary Uhl-Bien, Howard Hawks Chair in Business Ethics and Leadership, University of Nebraska, USA 

Key Concepts in Leadership was nominated for the best leadership book of 2012 by the leadership department of the University of Los Angeles, USA, in a competition sponsored by the International Leadership Association.
About the Authors

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